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Product & Service Track 2

10:30 - 11:15am

Carrier/Bryant/Midea Ductless
Presented by Kevin Waldo, Carrier Corporation

In this session, you'll explore why ductless systems are being widely adopted with double and triple growth since 2019, learn about simple serviceability and key performance features, ease of installation, and winning product innovations.

1:00 - 1:45pm

Intro to the Crossover Heat Pump
Presented by Jacob Wise, Auer Steel & Heating Supply Co.

It’s no secret that ductless and traditional HVAC systems each have their own set of advantages. So why not reap the benefits of both? The Hybrid Heat Crossover solution with a heat pump and gas furnace is perfect for our Upper Midwest climates, and homeowners looking for fuel choice options. In this session, learn more about new Crossover solutions.

3:00 - 3:45pm

The Commercial Pathway
Presented by Mark Mattina, Carrier Corporation

​We see the opportunity, now what?! Join us in this session to explore the opportunities of light commercial ... from creating a business plan to capturing the growth!

4:00 - 4:45pm

Refrigerants Today & Tomorrow
Presented by Mark Love, Chermours

Chemours has a 90+ year journey of refrigerant innovation, starting with Freon and building up to the Chemours Opteon portfolio. Join us in this session to learn about the HVACR industry solutions that meet the needs of today and tomorrow, including new alternatives that are non-ODP and low-GWP. Hear an in-depth review of solutions currently available in the market as well as what’s coming next from Chemours.

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